4 Tremendously Useful Websites to help when you are surfing the web, trying to buy/download something and you don’t really want to sign up for their newsletter, when you are thinking what your username should be or when you are just curious what else is out there.
Down For Everyone Or Just Me – This is a great website if you ever get the dreaded ‘This Site Cannot Be reached’ screen. Load up Down For Everyone Or Just Me, put in the URL to the website you are trying to view and press search. The site will then tell you if the problem is with the page you are trying to view or if the problem is closer to home.
Temp Mail – This is useful for those times when you just want download the document on offer or the money off voucher but don’t want to be inundated with emails and request to join their newsletter mailing list. Load up Temp Mail and it gives you a temporary email address you can copy and use to gain access to web pages and downloads that require an email address to access.
Namechk – Who has signed up to a new platform dreamt up what they think is the ideal user name to get the response ‘Sorry name already in use’? With Namechk you can add the name you are thinking of and the site will tell you if that name is available as a website domain or social media user name on over 30 different platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, TikTok etc.
Alternative To – For when you think surely there is a better programme than this, is there a programme like this that does that, I want a programme like this but not a Google (insert name here) one. Add the programme name you are currently using in to the search bar and press go and Alternative To will tell you what other programmes are available and a quick summary of what the programme does, how it is different to the programme you currently use and also tells you how easy it is to use compared to what you are using now.