August Is Family Fun Month

Are you looking for free or cheap fun things for your family to do during the school holidays?
Here are 5 suggestions
How To Start Your Day

Helping you focus to start the day when working from home.
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The Ultimate Guide to Preparing Your Business for the Summer Holidays

The summer holidays bring thoughts of sun, sea and adventure but also being on holiday for business owners can be a time of heightened stress and chaos if proper preparations aren’t in place.
Here is the Help With Admin guide to 5 Steps To Prepare Your Business for the Summer Holidays to ensure the time goes smoothly for both you and your clients.
Take Note And Save The World

Celebrating World Environment Day (5th June) here is a look what what I am doing to help save the world.
5 Tips To Succeed During Screen Free Week

During Screen Free Week could you do it being away from your screen?
5 tips to be able to make it happen.
Overwhelmed by your admin?

Need some help to take you to the next level?
Is It Time to Cancel Some Subscriptions

I’m not talking Disney+ Or Netflix’s (But they do need looking at too) I was thinking more of Canva Pro or all the networking groups you have joined.
Declutter Your Calendar

Are the entries in your calendar there to make it look full or are they useful in taking you to the next level.
5 Steps To A Great Meeting & Outcomes

Half of all meetings are considered to be a waste of time.
It does not have to be this way.
Here are my 5 steps to a great meeting and outcomes from the meeting.