There is a long-held belief that nobody goes into business to deal with administrative tasks.
Well, I want to bust that myth as I love working in Administration.
Below are my top 3 reasons why I went into business to deal with administrative tasks.
I love things having a structure and get great satisfaction from things such as arranging documents and saving them in a process that is easy to retrieve later or scheduling meetings and putting all the info into the calendar entry making sure everything such as time, date, location and any links/paperwork is in one place so people are ready to go when the meeting/event starts.
Good old Google Calendar or Tripit are my go-to tools.
It’s incredibly rewarding to be the glue that holds a company or entrepreneur together, making sure that everything runs smoothly and efficiently as they deal with the chaotic world that is business.
As I said above, I love being the unsung hero providing vital support to clients allowing them to focus on their core tasks. By handling the administrative duties, I enable clients to buy back their time and mental space to excel in their roles as coaches, web developers, trustees etc.
There’s a sense of fulfilment that comes from knowing that your work contributes to the success of the team.
Admin work is incredibly diverse, from reconciling bank statements or taking minutes for a meeting to making a newsletter or updating a website I carry out a wide range of tasks.
Even the same task can be different with one client wanting a summary finance report or set of minutes to the next one wanting everything verbatim.
I have been a Virtual Administrator (VA) for 5 years and worked in the world of admin for over 20 years, so I have developed a wide array of skills over the years, making me a more adaptable and versatile professional.
Did you go into business to deal with administrative tasks? If so, we could meet up and compare notes.
If not and the mere mention of admin tasks brings you out in a cold shiver, then get in touch to hand over your admin tasks so you can concentrate on those things you enjoy.