“Oh! Sorry it went into my spam” is a first line response to many a request to have you got my email.
Yes spam/junk folders are full of guarantees to enlarge body parts you never knew you had never mind thought about enlarging or that email from your perfect partner that only needs $10k to sort their lives out and be with you forever. I get that.
But there are also the times when not checking your spam could be harming your business and you miss out on a great opportunity to boost your business.
Recently I applied for a vacancy and got the reply “Oh! Sorry it went into my spam folder and I’ve only just seen it, The post is filled now, thanks for applying.” They have now just missed out on employing the best VA in the world (well best in my house anyway) and left a negative feeling with a customer who will not bother with them again.
Have you just done your greatest post ever with the most compelling call to action (CTA) and wondering why you have had no responses? Then you need to check you Spam to see if anything has gone in there.
Have you had no responses to your signup boxes on your website? Then you need to check your Spam to see if anything has gone in there.
And like the recruiter above have you advertised a vacancy and have you checked your spam folder on the closing date before you start shortlisting for the post?
Ok there may not be anything there most of the time but all it needs is for your dream customer or employee to get in touch with you that could set your business on to the road of profit and glory.
So check your Spam to see if anything has gone in there, you maybe surprised in a good way!