
Below are my top 3 consequences of being unorganised.
1) It’s Tiring.
All that time looking for something because you did not put it where it normally goes or trying to fit in three days of work in to two because you did not plan for the Easter bank holiday for example takes a lot of nervous energy out of you so that you have nothing left to spend on actually doing the task you set out to do.
2) You Forget things.
Muscle memory, if you are not constantly reminding yourself what is coming up or what is needed to be done you will fill that space with other things and not remember important things you need to do.
3) You cause problems for other people.
If you do not turn up for work people have to do extra.
If you don’t turn up for a meeting you end up using double that person’s time up as you have to rearrange the meeting.
Or the big one for me, As I’m seen as the organised one, I’m often left to organise parties and days out but it ends up being hard work as I have to do three versions of the event.
- One for those who need constant reminders and a start time of a couple of hours before the actual start time to have a chance of them being on time.
- Another plan for my organised friends.
- Then lastly a plan for those friends who are forever early so you have to give them a starting time after the actual start time because they are always that early! And you want a bath in peace.
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August Is Family Fun Month